Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final Assignment - Magazine Cover

This is my final project, a magazine cover. The graphic is a composite of my husband's hand holding some carrots from the farmer's marked and some farm land on Hawaii. I used a variety of selection and masking techniques to combine the images, and used a very subtle blur/gradient for the background (depth of field). I had fun deciding where to place the cover lines and how to color them so they were legible.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Assignment 14 - Pop Dots

Here is a graphic using the pop dot technique. The photo was taken during the Tour of California in 2010 when they passed through the area on Sierra Road.

Assignment 13 - Depth of Field

Here is a simple image I edited to make the bird appear in-focus while the rest is out of focus, to create depth.

Assignment 12 - Masks

These two of the tutorials on masks, using the book's graphics. Click on them to view the detail.